Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Can you explain airport security and their idea of putting all liquid/cream/gels into plastic bags - unsealed?

Can anyone please explain the logic behind bagging up your lotions and potions and giving them back to you - unsealed? This doesn't seem to resolve any potential issues (whatever they might be) as the products are still easily available to you!Can you explain airport security and their idea of putting all liquid/cream/gels into plastic bags - unsealed?
the simple answer it is so they can see the items without rummaging through you bags it saves time and it stops long queues in theory just think how long it would take if they had to wait until you had got all the gear out of you bag. it is immaterial on wether the plastic bag is sealed or unsealed

once you have gone through security you are able to put them back if you so require

the basic reason is speed of checking you can see easy in a plastic bagCan you explain airport security and their idea of putting all liquid/cream/gels into plastic bags - unsealed?
I over Christmas and they didn't even check in my bag for these. And I had some. It's a pretty silly rule that's very hard to enforce.
Personally I think it is more for show than for anything else. Liquid explosives can be pretty dangerous in small quantities and no one checks to see that your tiny vial of perfume is really perfume and not something horrible and dangerous. But it makes infrequent travellers feel safer, and it makes people to some extent a little more aware of their surroundings, so I guess there's that bit of good that comes of it. In general though, I don't see the benefit.
TSA are a bunch of morons. I look forward to the day that stupid rule about liquids is abolished. I do not look forward to the day I have to fly. Proctor and Gamble must be in on this scam or something.
i think its because of 9/11 and the stuff could be explosives
you are limited to 3oz per item and only as many items that will fit into the plastic bag

so 3 oz of anything isn't enough to do any damage

they are checking the quantity you are carrying

it has to do with some terrorist carrying liquid explosives on a plane from England awhile ago
Wilfred is spot on '; time '; is the answer.
you hit the nail on the head it is pointless except now you can purchase all that stuff that you can't get past security, after you passed security! Hmmmmm you don't think they planed it that way?

There are other things the terrorists can do to make flying unatractive besides blowing up the plane
The reasoning is to limit the amount of liquid per passenger, you need certain amount of liquids explosives to create a dangerous situation. If u remove them from your bag, the XRay operators can see them, easily plus they can see the density of the liquids. Besides that, once in a bin, others screeners can take a quick of your contents as explosives have certain characteristics.

Still, you have the option to declare larger liquids. Medications, baby formula and food, breast milk, and juice are allowed in reasonable quantities exceeding three ounces and are not required to be in the zip-top bag.

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